Gut Check Questionnaire

For people 1 year of age and older with SHORT BOWEL SYNDROME (SBS) who are dependent on parenteral support (PS).

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A way to help you talk to a doctor about what you or your child is experiencing

“Talk to your doctor.” It’s a common phrase, but it can be hard to know what to talk about and which questions to ask.

To help start the conversation, our 5-minute interactive questionnaire can help you describe what you or your child might be experiencing. It also generates personalized talking points that you can print or email to yourself for easy reference at your next doctor's appointment.

Begin Questionnaire

First, tell us a little about you or the loved one you care for.

Select what best describes you.*

*Please select one answer. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Choose the option that applies.*

*Please select one answer.

At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Now let’s look at what you may be experiencing and your medical history.

Now let’s look at what your child may be experiencing and their medical history.

Which of the following are you currently experiencing?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Which of the following is your child currently experiencing?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

SBS can result from a number of conditions. Which of these conditions resulted in intestine resection?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Which of these conditions were present at your child’s birth or resulted in intestine resection?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

What’s your required amount of parenteral support (PS)? Please enter amount and frequency below.

Weekly volume and Days per week are required fields.

What’s PS?

PS includes and is often referred to as total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or intravenous (IV) fluids.

What’s your child's required amount of parenteral support (PS)? Please enter amount and frequency below.

At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

What’s PS?

PS includes and is often referred to as total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and intravenous (IV) fluids.

Which of the following are you currently experiencing?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Which of the following is your child currently experiencing?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Which activities do you miss out on because of time spent on PS?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Which activities does your child miss out on because of time spent on PS?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Which of the following specialists are you seeing based upon what you are experiencing?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Which of the following specialists is your child seeing based upon what they are experiencing?*

*Select as many that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Have you experienced complications linked to long-term PS use?*

While PS can be lifesaving, risks and potentially life-altering complications may occur over time. Talk to your doctor about long-term PS-related complications you may be experiencing.

*Check all conditions that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

Has your child experienced complications linked to long-term PS use?*

While PS can be lifesaving, risks and potentially life-altering complications may occur over time. Talk to your child's doctor about long-term PS-related complications your child may be experiencing.

*Check all conditions that apply. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

A good plan begins with the right goals. Let’s capture what those are so you can bring them to your upcoming appointment.

When it comes to managing your experience, you feel*:

*Please select one answer. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

List any goals you may have for managing your experience. You can refer to this list when speaking with the doctor and/care team on how to move forward.

A good plan begins with the right goals. Let’s capture what those are so you can bring them to your upcoming appointment.

When it comes to managing your child’s experience, you feel*:

*Please select one answer. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

List any goals you may have for managing your child’s experience. You can refer to this list when speaking with the doctor and/care team on how to move forward.

When it comes to managing your SBS, you feel*:

*Please select one answer. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

List any additional goals you may have for managing your condition. You can refer to this list when speaking with the doctor and/care team on how to move forward.

A good plan begins with the right goals. Let’s capture what those are so you can bring them to your upcoming appointment.

When it comes to managing your child’s SBS, you feel*: 

*Please select one answer. At least one answer is required. Please select one answer to continue questionnaire.

List any goals you may have for managing your child’s condition. You can refer to this list when speaking with the doctor and/care team on how to move forward.

You're all set

Now email or print your personalized talking points. And remember, talking openly and honestly about managing your condition with your doctor is important so that you can get the care you need.

Now email or print your personalized talking points. And remember, talking openly and honestly about your child’s condition with the doctor is important so that your child can get the care they need.

Now email or print your personalized talking points. And remember, talking openly and honestly about managing your experience with your doctor is important so that you can get the care you need.

Now email or print your personalized talking points. And remember, talking openly and honestly about your child’s experience with the doctor is important so that your child can get the care they need.

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Not intended as medical advice or a diagnostic tool. Please always consult a physician.

Your answers will be used only to generate your personalized Gut Check Questionnaire. No personal data will be collected or stored.

Not intended as medical advice or a diagnostic tool. Please always consult a physician.